This web site requires enabled JavaScript in order to work properly...

System requirements

• Screen resolution

- At least 800 x 600. Higher is recommended.

• Browser compatibility

Windows Internet Explorer website Windows Internet Explorer
- version 11.0 or higher
MS Edge website Microsoft Edge
- version 20.0 or higher
Mozilla FireFox website Mozilla FireFox
- version 18.0 or higher
Google Chrome website Google Chrome
- version 30.0 or higher
Opera Software website Opera
- version 11.0 or higher
Opera Software website Apple Safari
- version 4.0 or higher
Konqueror Homepage Konqueror
- version 3.1 or higher
K-Meleon website K-Meleon (Mozilla base)
- version 74 or higher
Slim Browser website Slim Browser
- version 5.0 or higher

• Additional

- Enabled JavaScript.


For better visualization of the texts is recommended (if possible) to activate Smooth edges of screen fonts function of your operating system, as follows:

- Microsoft Windows 7
Start ► Control Panel ► System ► Advanced System Settings ► Performance ► Settings
Activate 'Smooth edges of screen fonts': Windows 7
- Microsoft Windows XP
Start ► Settings ► Control Panel ► Display ► Appearance ► Effects
Activate 'Smooth edges of screen fonts': Windows XP
- Other operating systems
Check the instructions in your operating system documentation.



• Web design and development:

Sofia Lan Ltd. ( )

• Web administration:

Victoria Nuts Ltd. ( )





Windows Internet Explorer™, Microsoft Edge™, Windows 7™ and Windows XP™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Mozilla FireFox™ is trademark of Mozilla Foundation.
Google Chrome™ is trademark of Google Inc.
Opera™ is trademark of Opera Software ASA.
Safari™ is trademark of Apple Inc.
Konqueror is a part of K Desktop Environment™. KDE™ and K Desktop Environment™ are trademarks of KDE e.V.

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